THE LINLEY COMPANY: a boutique management consultancy
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Since 1991
now global, the need to innovate never stops and the downward pressure on margins means you need to implement more exacting ways to mine as much gross profit as possible from everything you do. As part of your move toward excellence, we can help you achieve your objectives through our broad entrepreneurial and general management backgrounds and our focus on best practices in strategic management.

photo Chris Johnson Chris Johnson (right) is the founder of several companies and the current owner and manager of two small businesses. As a LEED Green Associate, along with a GRI Sustainability certification in Report Writing , Chris has a complete set of credentials in sustainability and green building. Along with many years in providing building supplies to commercial construction and some project management experience, he is able to provide ader=0 >

Areas of Expertise:


Business Strategy

Marketing Communication

New Product Development


Non-profit Leadership

©2017 The Linley Company
- Page designed and maintained by Chris Johnson of The Linley Company